Enhancing Shear Velocity Log Prediction in Ahnet Field, Algeria, Through Well Logs and Machine Learning Techniques


  • Riadh Goucem Sprint Oil & Gas Services, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Well logging, Machine learning, Shear velocity, Petrophysics, Rock stiffness


Shear velocity logs are crucial in the oil and gas industry for assessing subsurface mechanical properties, including rock stiffness, shear strength, and seismic wave propagation, essential for optimizing hydrocarbon exploration and production strategies. However, obtaining shear velocity logs conventionally is expensive and time-consuming, especially when drilling additional wells solely for this purpose. With the recent boom in machine learning algorithms adoption across various scientific domains, it proved to be an extremely valuable tool for numerous applications in the oil and gas industry.  It makes use of the readily available large datasets collected over decades and leverages this data to train powerful, data-driven models, reducing the reliance on empirical relationships that usually have poor generalization. This study follows this approach and presents the use and comparison of machine learning algorithms for predicting shear velocity logs from conventional and readily available logs in the Ahnet field, Algeria. Ultimately, this study aims to enhance reservoir assessment and optimize hydrocarbon recovery processes, potentially reducing exploration costs and improving oil and gas production decision-making in the region.


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— Updated on 2024-05-15