Length Weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Bengal Silver Pomfret in Mon Coastal Area, Myanmar


  • Zarni Ko Ko Department of Marine Science, Pathein University, Ayeyarwady Region, Myanmar


length frequency distribution, length weight relationship, condition factor, P. griseus, Mon coastal area


The study on length weight relationship and condition factor of Bengal silver pomfret, Pampus griseus was conducted from 2018 to 2023 in Mon coastal area. A total of 5656 specimens of P. argenteus were collected, their lengths ranged from 8 to 36 cm and their weights ranged from 11.5 to 872.5 g. The fork length weight relationship was obtained as W = 0.0805L2.6589 which was noticed in the negative allometric growth condition (b < 3) in the present study area. The present findings indicated that the correlation coefficient ‘r’ exhibits strong positive correlation between fork length and body weight with the correlation coefficient ‘r’ approaching almost towards +1. Moreover, the monthly condition factor of fish fluctuated between 1.41 and 4.73, indicating the good condition (health) of species in the present study.


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