Baseline Geo-Engineering Dataset and Parameters’ Empirical Modeling for Civil Engineering Construction in Okeigbo, Southwestern Nigeria


  • Falowo Olumuyiwa Olusola Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria
  • Olorunda Oluwafemi Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria
  • Ologan Tunde Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria
  • Ayetoro Ayodeji Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria


Settlement, Flexible pavement, Geotechnics, Geoinformatics, Bearing pressure


This study deals with development subsoil geoengineering dataset and modeling of parameters in Okeigbo area of Ondo State, Southwestern Nigeria. It employs geophysical methods, geotechnical survey, hydrogeological, and laboratory analysis. Findings revealed the subsoil to be clayey with low compressibility and plasticity. The clay mineral group is dominantly illite-montmorrilonite. The depth to groundwater ranged from 2.2 m (in well)–18 m (in borehole). The depth to basement rock is between 8.2–31.5 m, indicating a moderate to deep weathering profile, able to support burial of engineering utilities such as mast, transformer, gadgets. Regarding pavement construction, the soils are unsuitable for subgrade, base and sub-base courses with CBR less than 7% and GI of 14 (avg.). However, a recommended minimum thickness of 79–140 mm was obtained from design curves for flexible pavement. The average allowable bearing capacity of the soil for square and round foundations is 320 kN/m2. The total settlement obtained varies between 23.92–29.77 mm for structural pressure of 100 kN/m2. The embankment suitability index of the soil suggests an expanding, but not collapsible construction material. Summarily, the subsoils have very low suitability/workability index, hence poor/fair performance for roadway, foundation, canal sections, and earth fill dams. The empirical models gave correlation coefficient of: MDD/PI vs. CBR (0.0046), LL vs. coefficient of consolidation (0.0127), PI vs. undrained shear strength/effective overburden (0.0074), PI vs. angle of shearing (0.0420), dry density vs. angle of shearing (0.4022), suitability index vs. CBRs (0.0968), clay contents vs. PI (0.0777). Schist and quartzite are the major rocks observed in the area, with high compressive/shear strength, modulus of elasticity, high crushing strength, low deformability; and presumable bearing capacity of 4000–12000 kPa when fresh, and 2500–8000 kPa when partly weathered and thus can be trusted in most engineering construction works.


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