Cracking and Causes of Ground Displacement in Rawat Rawalpindi Pakistan (Causes and Effect Report)
Ground displacement, Soil liquefaction, Foundation, Seismicity, Tectonic activityAbstract
Numerous fault and fold system are found in Pakistan and its surrounding region which is tectonically active region in entire Asia subcontinent. This research is related to earthquake happened at 24 July 2015 in Islamabad, Pakistan. A policed constabulary building hit by moderate earthquake causes to produce damages at significant level. Their cracking, settlement and ground displacement open the new door of research. This report is generated after field visit under supervision of senior engineering and geologist. Rawat Fault was a sourced which is thrust fault due to Jhelum strike slip fault mechanism. Deep cracking was observed in and outside of wall due to breaking of plaster. Minor level of ground displacement which is about 2 cm to 3 cm was observed during field in the direction of fault lines. Further more intense tectonic area including Rawat Fault which is part of Jhelum Fault is an active fault in the regime. Three numbers of pit were excavated to observe the settlement of sub surface soil. At few places settlement was pointed due to seismic wave propagation and there is no sign of liquefaction of soil. Its mean liquefaction potential at this area is normal and water table is not at shallow depth. Heavy thunder storms accompanied with earthquakes may had triggered the liquefaction
of sensitive clays which had resulted in differential settlement in localized areas. The ground shrinkage cracking may have resulted due to suction of water by Eucalyptus trees planted very close to the foundations.
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