The Biostratigraphical Interpretation and Sedimentological Analysis of Mn-003 Well, Central Swamp Depobelt, Niger Delta Basin, Southern Nigeria
Unconformity, Cretaceous – Tertiary (K –T) boundary, Biostratigraphy, Structural interpretationAbstract
This study covers the biostratigraphical and sedimentological framework of MN-3 well. The well is located in central swamp depobelt of the Niger Delta Basin. Forty-Nine (49) ditch cutting samples at a depth interval of 8910ft- 11790ft were analyzed. The methods employed in the study are sedimentological analysis and biostratigraphic interpretation. The Niger Delta Chronostratgraphic Chart, Foram (F-Zone) data and the general foram association data chart were used to interpret the data. The study also entails using all the aforementioned parameters in the establishment of depositional environment. Three lithofacies were identified as shale, sandy shale, and sandstone. A total of thirty onelithozones were identified. Three maximum flooding surfaces and six sequence boundaries were estimated. The thick bottom shale interpreted to be possible source rock aligns with Bolivia 26 shale marker (23.2ma). The interpreted reservoir lies between 20.1- 22.2 ma age range. The caprock lies above the Oghara shale marker. This connotes that the well is of the Miocene age. A total of one hundred and ninety-nine planktic foraminifera abundance was recorded in the well. Benthic abundance recorded in the well is three thousand four hundred and twenty-one. The ratio of planktic to benthic foraminifera in MN-3 Well is one to seventeen. The rock units were interpreted to be on the shelf environment as it is the point where the foram count starts.
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