The Geochemistry and Mineralogical Composition of Ogiso and Okhoro Clay Deposits of the Benin Formation, Nigeria: Insights into Its Provenance and Industrial Significance
Weathering effect, Ball clays, Kaolinite, Tectonic settings, CeramicAbstract
This research work was carried out to determine the chemical composition of clay deposits in the Benin Formation, Southern Nigeria. In this study, ten (10) fresh clay samples were randomly collected from two (two) clay outcrops. X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), grain size analysis, and Atterberg tests analyses were employed to determine the mineralogy, major oxides, trace element composition, and the physical properties of the clay samples. The XRD analysis revealed that the basic mineralogy of the samples studied consists of kaolinite, quartz and iron hematite with traces of zircon, illite and anatase occurring in minor amounts in some of the samples. The XRF analysis revealed the major elemental oxides to be SiO2 with a range of 55.82 to 61.41 wt%, AlO with a range of 21.12 to 24.42 wt% and FeO with a range of 6.05 to 9.06 wt% while the major elemental trace elements include zircon with a range of 0.89 to 1.78 wt%, zinc with a range of 0 to 1.51 wt%, copper with a range of 0 to 1.39 wt% and chromium with a range of 0.01 to 0.11 wt%. The high chemical index of alteration (CIA) values, high chemical index of weathering (CIW) values and moderate ratio of TiO /Zr indicated an intense weathering source area. Conclusively, the mineralogical composition, the elemental trace element, main element discrimination diagram and the elemental ratios of the samples such as TiO /AlO indicated a provenance of intermediate source. The grain size analysis and Atterberg tests revealed sandy-clay deposits that have low to medium plasticity, moderate to high liquid limit, moderate moisture content, relative high swelling capacity, high linear shrinkage and low specific gravity values are less desirable for construction purposes due to potential deformation, cracking and settlement in buildings. The results further indicate that the clay samples from the study areas are mainly kaolinite and categorized as commercial ball clays.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Samson Eguasa Agbongiague, Moses Uyota Ohwo, Ehinlaiye Ayamezimi Oziofu, Joseph O. Odia-Oseghale

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