Geology, Characterization and Usability for Drilling of Seyitgazi-Eskişehir Clays


  • Yasin Erdogan Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Ankara, Turkey
  • Onur Eser Kok Iskenderun Technical University, Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
  • Ergul Yasar Iskenderun Technical University, Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Hatay, Turkey
  • Ismail Akca Mineral Research and Exploration General Directorate, Ankara, Turkey
  • Ismail Kurumus Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Ankara, Turkey


Geology, Bentonite, Seyitgazi Clay, Drilling, Clay


In this study, geological properties and characterization evaluations of Seyitgazi-Eskişehir region bentonites were investigated. Also, usability for drilling the bentonites was investigated according to the American Petroleum Institute (API) standards. Bentonite samples were collected from different locations and named ES-1A, ES-1B, ES-1C, ES-2A, ES-2B, and ES-3 for analysis. The geological evaluations were examined with formations and occurring mechanisms. Characterization of the samples were examined through XRF, XRD, Rietveld,  FT-IR, and optical microscope analysis. Also, the suspensions made with the samples investigated flow properties with a rotary viscometer and filter press. With the results of the mud flow analysis, suitabilities for drilling operations were determined.


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