Determination of Groundwater Status and Characteristics of the Subsurface Layers Using Electrical Vertical Sounding (VES) and Dipole-Dipole Configuration at Osasogie Road and Environs Southern, Nigeria


  • Ese Anthony Aladin Department of Geology, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
  • Sikiru Salami Department of Geology, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
  • Omasan Akperi Department of Geology, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria


Transmissivity, Aquifer zone, Subsurface, Resistivity, Dipole-Dipole


The study area is situated between latitudes 5.605188°N to 5.622456°N and longitudes 6.377649°E to 6.389605°E and the aim of this study is to determine the groundwater status and characterise the subsurface layers using Electrical Vertical Sounding (VES) and Dipole- Dipole configuration at OSASOGIE Road and Environs Southern, Nigeria. ABEM SAS-300C Terrameter along with necessary accessories equipment were used to carried out eleven (11) VES and one (1) Dipole-Dipole data acquisition. From the results interpretation of VES 1-11, it reveals five (5) to six (6) geo-electric layer and the aquifer apparent resistivity ranges from 646.45Ωm to 3852.6Ωm with an average of 2249.62Ωm. The presence clay materials in the study have depth range of 7m to 14m deep which has a negative impact on the roads constructed in the area. When rain falls, the roads are flooded causing the clay materials to expand and contrast leading to cracks on the road, because the Engineering geologist and Civil engineers fails to identify characteristics of the subsurface soil. From the result of Dipole-Dipole, it is revealed that the profile point from 60m to 150m at a depth of 0.0m to 20.0m has very low resistivity and very high conductivity because the surface soil has a high porosity and high permeability which allow surface water to flow into the soil. The Longitudinal conductance values range from 0.00416 to 0.06025Ω-1 with an average of 0.032205Ω-1 and Transmissivity values range from 452.869248 to 504.481402 m2/day with an average of 478.675325m2/day. The presence of clay materials in the subsurface soil of the study must be excavated first during construction of road to avoid failure and crack in the road. This research will help engineering geologist and civil engineer to suggest the best foundation design for a building and reduce cost of maintenance of failed if the clay material is put into consideration first before construction.


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