Explaining the Uneven Earth Growth with Time

  • Maria Kuman
Keywords: Explaining earth growth, Explaining uneven earth growth, Nonlinear field of our earth, Nonlinear fields of stars, Nonlinear fields of Black Holes


The Russian Academic Kaznacheev wrote in his book “Thoughts of the Future” that we have more than one problem to solve in the future: 1/ to explain the substantial growth of earth with time. He claims that the diameter of our planet Earth has grown 1.5 times for the last 300 years. This cannot be explained as growth from the falling cosmic dust, which is only 40 tons per year. 2/ In addition to this, we need to find a way to explain the uneven growth of earth with time – while the northern pole grows in size, the southern pole is dented because it loses matter. The present article offers explanation to both.


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