Solar-Powered Oil Recovery (SeOR)


  • Alperen Sahinoglu Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, Nigde, Turkiye


Solar Energy, , Enhanced oil recovery (EOR),, Solar enhanced oil recovery (SeOR),, Oil production, , Heavy oil.


Heavy oil production, which comprises 70% of the world’s remaining reserves, is becoming increasingly important for oil companies. While heavy oil is abundant, its thick, tar-like consistency makes it challenging to extract. The primary method for its extraction is steam injection, a thermal-enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technique. This process involves injecting steam into a reservoir to heat the oil, reducing its viscosity and enabling it to be pumped to the surface more efficiently. Steam injections can enhance well productivity by up to 300% but requires significant energy. Traditionally, the steam for EOR is generated by burning large amounts of natural gas, a scarce and valuable resource in many oil-producing regions. Solar EOR offers a sustainable alternative by replacing natural gas with concentrated solar power to generate steam. Solar energy can supply up to 80% of the steam needs of an oilfield, dramatically reducing natural gas consumption. During the day, solar-generated steam is used, while natural gas-generated steam is utilized at night to ensure continuous injection. Solar EOR employs an enclosed trough technology designed specifically for the oil industry. This system uses curved mirrors inside a glasshouse to track the sun, focusing its heat onto water pipes. The concentrated sunlight heats the water, producing steam. The glasshouse structure protects the mirrors from environmental factors like wind, dust, and sand. Utilizing solar energy redirects the natural gas saved to higher-value applications such as power generation or industrial projects, thereby supporting local economies and generating employment opportunities. Solar EOR (SeOR) also produces steam without emissions, contributing to a more sustainable approach to meeting global energy demands. This review explores the interconnections between solar-powered systems and oil production, discussing various aspects of heavy oil, extraction methods, and solar energy.


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