Some Fishing Gears and Target Species in Chaungtha Coast Water, Ayeyarwady Region, Myanmar


  • Min Min Myat Department of Marine Science, Pathein University, 10014, Pathein, Ayeyarwady Region, Myanmar


Chaungtha Coastal Water, Fishing gears, Net structure, Target species


The fishery status of the marine fishery was investigated in Chaungtha Coastal Area from November 2023 to August 2024. A total of 7 different types of gear such as the bottom set gillnet, purse seine, beach seine, drift gillnet, longline, diving fishing, and trap fishing were recorded with their target species in this study area. Moreover, the net design, parameters, and materials properties of these gears were also recorded. The bottom set gillnet (groupers and false trevally) and diving fishing (groupers, cuttlefishes, octopus, painted spiny lobster, sandfish) were fished from November to August. The purse seine (Indian anchovy, sardine, frigate tuna, Indian mackerel, narrow-barred Spanish mackerel), beach seine (miscellaneous), and longline (yellow pike conger, giant Sea catfish) were targeted from November to April. The trap fishing (maculated ivory whelk) was trapped from November to March. The drift gillnet (sardine) was captured from May to August in Chaungtha Coastal Area. The highest species occurrence was recorded in June 2024. The lowest species occurrence was recorded in November 2023 followed by January and August 2024. Moreover, the highest species composition was noted at 11.61% in June 2024 and the lowest species composition was documented at 8.39% in November 2023 followed by January and August 2024.


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