Notes on the Family Cassidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of Myanmar
Keywords: Cassidae, distributional ranges, habitats, helmet and bonnet shells, Myanmar coastal areas, species status.Abstract
A total of 11 taxa belonging to 5 genera of the family Cassidae under the order Mesogastropoda were collected from three coastal regions of Myanmar from 2012 to 2024. The specimens of helmet and bonnet shells comprised 1 species of Cassis, namely, Cassis cornuta; 1 species of Cypraecassis, namely, Cypraecassis rufa; 2 species of Casmaria, namely, Casmaria erinaceus, C. ponderosa; 6 species of Phalium, namely, Phalium areola, P. bandatum, P. decussatum, P. fimbria, P. glaucum, P. muangmani; and 1 species of Semicassis, namely, Semicassis bisulcata, respectively. Among these, the species of Phalium were more noticeably dominant than other species from the study areas. Moreover, the distribution ranges and ecological habitats of all species along the Myanmar coastal regions were described.
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WoRMS, 2024. Available Source:, 2024.
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