Field Occurrences of Lithium and Its’ Associated Minerals from Kariya and Environs, Ganjuwa L.G.A., Bauchi State, N.E Nigeria


  • Idris Ismail Kariya Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Department of Applied Geology, Bauchi, Nigeria
  • Ahmed Isah Haruna Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Department of Applied Geology, Bauchi, Nigeria
  • Abdullatif Lawal Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Department of Applied Geology, Bauchi, Nigeria
  • Yusuf Abdulmumin Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Department of Applied Geology, Bauchi, Nigeria
  • Nuru Abdullahi Nabage Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Department of Applied Geology, Bauchi, Nigeria
  • Hamman Ishaku Kamale University of Maiduguri, Department of Geology, Borno, Nigeria
  • Ibrahim Abdulkarim University of Gombe State, Department of Geology, Gombe, Nigeria


Lithium, Occurrences, Paragneisses, Pegmatite, Spodumene, Lepidolite


The energy transition challenges faced by modern civilization have significantly enhanced the demand for critical metals like lithium resulting in improved methods to explore, extract, and utilize these metals. In this research work, we aim to provide an updated global perspective on various aspects of lithium including its occurrence, mineralogy and different types of deposits. In this research work, we discussed the different types of lithium resources, field occurrences and host rocks of lithium enrichment in various geological settings. The field method was done through systematic mapping and sampling of suspected ore rocks. Hand specimen and petrographic studies were carried out minerals were identified based on petrographic characteristics and relate them to lithium ore. The study area was found viable to host rocks that are associated with lithium ore occurrences most especially the pegmatite, paragneisses and granodiorite rocks.


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