Application of Geophysical Methods in the Determination of Pb-Zn Mineralization in Abakaliki, Parts of the Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria


  • Ighrakpata C. Fidelia Department of Physics, College of Education, Edjeba, Warri South, Delta State, Nigeria
  • Osisanya Olajuwon Wasiu Department of Physics, College of Science, Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, Delta State, Nigeria
  • Ajibade Femi Zephaniah Department of Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences, Petroleum Training Institute, Effurun, Delta State, Nigeria


Chargeability, Resistivity, Transverse, Induced Polarization, Electrode


To identify Pb-Zn mineralization in the Abakaliki province, an integrated strategy was used for the objective of this study. Particularly in the Nsuba, Oputumo, Amenyi, Nsobo, and Opuitumo lodes. This investigation was conducted using two methods: the resistivity method (Dipole dipole configuration) and induced polarization (IP). The apparatus utilized for this research is the Abem Terrameter SAS 4000. There were ten (10) Dipole dipole arrays installed in the research region, with electrode spacing ranging from five to twenty meters in a NW-SE direction and a maximum spread of two hundred meters. Findings from the study suggested that mineralized zones, resistivity values ranging from 0.4 to 1354 Ω-m and chargeability values from -877 to 813 ms were found. Positive magnetic anomalies were found in areas below the ground that had unusually high chargeability and relatively low resistivity structures. This suggested that Pb-Zn minerals might be present. The mineralization, characterized as a mildly disseminated stockwork, leans towards a relatively epigenetic nature.


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