Freeze-Thaw Effect on High Plasticity Clayey Soils Reinforced with Waste Glass Bottle Powder


  • Necmi Yarbaşı Atatürk University, Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering, 25240, Erzurum, Turkey
  • Ekrem Kalkan Atatürk University, Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering, 25240, Erzurum, Turkey
  • Elif Agirman Akturk Atatürk University, Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering, 25240, Erzurum, Turkey


Clayey soil, Waste glass bottle powder, Soil stabilization, Freeze-thaw, Strength


In today's world, climatic changes and waste/residual materials caused by technological developments pose an extreme threat to the environmental system. It is widely used in various engineering applications to reduce the negative effects of such materials and bring them into the economy. This subject has started to be used especially in civil engineering, in applications of improving/strengthening basic soil properties. In this study, the freeze-thaw effect on the strength of highly plastic clayey soils reinforced with waste glass bottle powder was investigated. Clayey soils mixed with  waste glass bottle powder at 5%, 10%, and 15% were compacted at optimum water content using the Standard Proctor Test. The effect on freeze-thaw behavior of clayey soil samples stabilized using waste glass bottle powder was determined by unconfined compression tests. For these tests, all samples were cured and subjected to freeze-thaw cycles. According to the experimental results, the highest unconfined confined strength was obtained in a 28-day curing in a clayey soil samples stabilized 10% ratio of waste glass bottle powder. Clay soil samples stabilized with 10% waste glass bottle powder were found to have high  unconfined confined strength  value and it was determined that waste glass bottle powder can be used in the stabilization of clay soils.


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