3D Geophysical Subsurface Modelling in Quarry Site Research


  • Duygu Turhan Ataturk University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Geological Engineering, Erzurum, Turkey
  • Ekrem Kalkan Atatürk University, Department of Civil Engineering, Erzurum, Turkey
  • Adil Ozdemir Ataturk University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering , Erzurum, Turkey


Quarry site, crushed stone, Resistivity, Vertical electrical sounding (VES), 3D geophysical modelling


This study aims to investigate the presence, thickness, and vertical and lateral extension of limestone and basalt in quarry sites by geophysical methods and to perform 3D geophysical subsurface modeling. Within the scope of the study, firstly, regional gravity and airborne magnetic data were obtained, and maps were prepared and interpreted to estimate the presence, thickness, and vertical and lateral extent of limestone and basalt in the areas selected as quarries by geophysical methods. In the second stage, in-situ geological observations were made to examine the geological characteristics and to guide the geophysical measurements to be made in these areas. In the third stage, geophysical measurements were carried out at suitable locations determined by geological observations. In the last stage, computer-aided 3D subsurface modeling of the study areas was carried out in light of the geophysical data obtained. As a result of the studies, areas that are suitable and unsuitable for quarrying were identified. This study demonstrates that geophysical methods (especially resistivity method) can be fast, reliable and cost-effective methods for quarry site research. 


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