Hydrogeophysical Investigation Using Electrical Resistivity Method within Lead City University Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Groundwater potential, Coefficient of anisotropy, Overburden thickness, Aquifer resistivity, Aquifer thicknessAbstract
A geoelectric investigation of groundwater potential in some part of Lead City University Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria was carried out with a view to providing information on the geoelectric characteristic of the subsurface geological structures and their hydrogeologic significance, in order to determine possible areas for groundwater prospect zones. The study involved the use of Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding data at twenty (20) stations. The results from the geoelectric layers were used to determine the second order parameters (Dar-Zarrouk). Groundwater potential map was also generated from the integration of geoelectric parameters using Multi-Criteria Evaluation Technique. The results obtained from this study illustrate that the integration of the data handling method proposed in this study with geophysical technique can provide an accurate method for characterizing and evaluating groundwater prospect. The investigated area has been classified into low, moderate and high groundwater potential zones. It was observed in some parts of northeastern and southwestern parts are indicative of high groundwater potential zone. Moderate groundwater potential zone was observed at the northern, eastern, southwestern, southeastern and northwestern parts of the study area. Also, the low groundwater potential zone was observed at the northwestern, northern and northeastern parts of the study area. From the results obtained, it indicates that the investigated area is an area of low to moderate groundwater potential.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Adebo A Babatunde, Ilugbo Stephen Olubusola, Jemiriwon Emmanuel Tope, Ali Adnan Karram, Akinwumi Ayomide Kolawole, Adeniken Nathaniel Taiwo

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