An Experimental Study of the Effect of CO2 Water-Mancos Shale Interactions on Permeability
CO2 water, Mancos shale, Water-shale interactions, Permeability, DissolutionAbstract
When CO2 water contacts with a split shale rock, it dissolves some mineral components, making the fracture (split) opening wider and the increase in the rock flow capability (apparent permeability) higher. Meanwhile, some dissolved particles move with the flowing water, thus blocking some pore throats and decreasing the rock apparent permeability. Whether the rock apparent permeability can be increased or decreased, depending on these two competitive phenomena. The issue is critical in a carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration project; it is also very important in an enhanced oil recovery project by CO2 injection. In this study, a split Mancos Shale core was used to investigatethis issue. It was found that the apparent permeability was decreased. More research is needed to address this issue.
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