Alkali Silica Reactivity Potential of Laki Limestone as Coarse Aggregate by Using Petrographic Examination
Petrography, Laki limestone, Coarse aggregate, Alkali Silica Reactivity, NooriabadAbstract
Present study is aimed at assessment of Alkali Silica Reactivity potential of Laki limestone as coarse aggregate from Nooriabad area, district Jamshoro, Pakistan. Eleven coarse aggregate samples were collected for petrographic examination using optical microscope. It is observed that the aggregate comprises of hard, compact, massive, crystalline and fossiliferous limestone. As per Dunham classification of limestone, Laki limestone can be classified in decreasing order as Mudstone>Pack stone>Wackestone. Microfractures are obvious in some of the collected samples indicating the imprint of compressional tectonic forces. Large number of samples showing Mudstone suggest calm quite environment of deposition where clastic influx is less likely to be deposited. Hence,
limestone is devoid of any reactive silica and free from chert, chalcedony and other
harmful constituents like clays or organic matter. It is concluded that Laki limestone is
suitable for use as road aggregate and concrete mix design.
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