Rain-Induced Slope Instability: Case Study of Monsoon 2020 Affected Villages in Pithoragarh District of Uttarakhand, India


  • Sushil Khanduri Department of Disaster Management


Toe erosion, Road widening, Loose soils, Causative factors, Pithoragarh Himalaya


Heavy precipitation in the catchments of Ramganga, Goriganga, Dhauliganga and Kali Rivers between 19 and 29 July, 2020 induced landslides and debris flows around many villages of Pithoragarh District of Uttarakhand in India. Additionally, heavy rains added to the discharge of streams and the ensuing floods damaged some of the villages among those were located in the proximity of the streams.15 villages of Tejam, Munsiyari, Bangapani and Dharchula Tehsils of Pithoragarh District were badly affected in these incidences. Except for, there was massive loss of public infrastructure and property together with electricity and drinking water supplies were disrupted as also vehicular traffic was disrupted due to road damaged or washed off in the affected areas. Total of 28 human lives lost in entire Pithoragarh District during the monsoon period. In terms of losses of human lives, one of the worst affected villages was Tanga where alone 11 persons were killed and another was Gaila Malla Tok of Pattharkot Village where 3 persons were killed which caught Author attention to take these studies. The main purpose of this research is to find out the causative factors of slope instability and suggested measures for safety of dwelling units as well as local inhabitants in the villages.


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