The Mechanical Performance of Clayey Soils Reinforced with Waste PET Fibers
Clayey soil, Waste PET fiber, Mechanical performance, Soil reinforcement, Freeze-thawAbstract
Nowadays, scarcity of good land for construction which is one of important problems for engineers using land increases demand for unsuitable soils. When the mechanical qualities of unsuitable soils are lower than those required, reinforcing can be an option to improve performance, notably in enhancing its strength. Use of waste material is alternative method as low-cost material for soil reinforcing applications. Today, abundant plastic waste pollutants are widely used as reinforcing materials for this purpose. In this study, uniaxial compressive tests were done to determine the resistance behavior of clayey soils reinforced with waste plastic PET fibers. These tests were repeated for the unexposed and exposed samples to freeze-thaw cycles. The freeze-thaw tests were performed with a programmable freeze-thaw cabinet under laboratory conditions. The results obtained from experimental studies have shown that the reinforced clayey soil samples with the waste of the plastic bottle fibers have high strength when compare with the unreinforced sandy soil samples. At the same time, the waste PET fibers increase the resistance of reinforced clayey soil samples against to the freeze-thaw cycles. As a result, Consequently, it is concluded that the waste PET fiber materials can be successfully used for the reinforce of clayey soils in the geotechnical applications.
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