Urban Heat Island Effect: A Case Study of Jaipur, India
Heat Island, Reduction strategies, Energy savings, Estimation of urban heat island, Indian conditionsAbstract
Rapid growth of population and resulting urbanization is gaining momentum where urban areas are developed in significant proportion in India leading to changes in existing landscape, buildings, roads, and other supporting infrastructure. Such a change replaces open land and vegetation in the form of permeable surfaces with concrete surfaces which are impermeable and dry in nature which leads to the formation of urban heat islands whereby urban regions experience warmer temperatures than their adjacent rural surroundings. Such heat island effect increases energy consumption in urban areas along with other negative impacts. The authors of the present paper focus on reduction of heat island effect in urban areas along with compatible strategies in Indian conditions partly
to address higher energy consumptions and partly to reduce other negative impacts being
caused on account of such heat island effects. The authors have carried out a case study
of Jaipur a pink city of India.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Anindita Bhattacharjee, Sheetal Kamble, Neel Kamal, Prachi Golhar, Vishakha Kumari, Akshey Bhargava

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